Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Report: China Increases Quantum Computing and AI Efforts in Response to Escalating Competition with US


China is gearing up to enhance its local technology sufficiency in quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) as competition with the United States heats up, according to a recent report. The government working report emphasized the importance of China ramping up its capabilities in emerging tech amidst mounting sanctions on crucial hardware and technology from Western powers.

The competition between China and Western powers has intensified in the field of AI, with the U.S. imposing sanctions on major chip manufacturers like Nvidia, AMD, and Intel to hinder China’s access to advanced chips. In response, these companies have produced chips with reduced processing power for Chinese users.

The government document highlights the need for China to invest in boosting its local manufacturers to compete with Western rivals. “We will fully leverage the strengths of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to raise China’s capacity for innovation across the board,” the report states.

Alfredo Montufar-Helu, head of the China Center at the Conference Board, believes that China’s focus on emerging technology is part of President Xi Jinping’s push for global dominance. This aligns with last year’s Central Economic Work Conference, which prioritized tech self-reliance.

In addition to AI, the report also addresses quantum computing, urging greater investment to position China as a leader in the rapidly evolving sector. China is in a race with the U.S. for quantum superiority, with the gap being much smaller compared to AI.

Guo Guoping, China’s leading quantum computing scientist and lawmaker, stressed the importance of the technology, stating, “Building an independent industry chain for the sector has become one of China’s top priorities.”

Quantum computing could have significant implications for China’s military power, as experts believe quantum computers could potentially decrypt all existing encryption methods. Some experts even predict a day, known as Q-day, when all existing encryption will become obsolete, possibly as soon as next year.

As China focuses on advancing its technological capabilities, the world watches closely to see how these developments will shape the global tech landscape.

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