Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bosch: 73% of Indians are turning to AI for career guidance, says Republic World


AI for the future: Indians turning to artificial intelligence for career predictions

A recent survey conducted by German multinational Bosch has revealed that a staggering 73 per cent of Indians are relying on artificial intelligence to predict their career paths. The survey, part of the third yearly Tech Compass Survey, included adults from seven nations, with 2,000 participants from India.

The survey also found that 70 per cent of respondents from India trust the responses of AI chatbots more than those of their acquaintances. This growing trust in AI technology is indicative of India’s increasing acceptance and enthusiasm towards emerging technologies like AI.

Guruprasad Mudlapur, President of the Bosch Group in India and Managing Director of Bosch Limited, commented on the survey findings, stating, “The survey reflects India’s increasing acceptance and enthusiasm towards emerging technologies like AI. India is keen on AI-powered solutions across diverse sectors such as sustainability, mobility, manufacturing, and even daily life.”

Interestingly, 56 per cent of Indians considered AI to be the most relevant technology for the future, marking a significant increase from previous survey findings. Additionally, 76 per cent of Indians expressed readiness for artificial intelligence, surpassing the global average of 49 per cent.

The survey also highlighted the importance of education in AI and cybersecurity, with a majority of Indian respondents emphasizing the need to educate themselves in these areas. Globally, AI was identified as the technology for the future by 64 per cent of respondents, followed by 5G and self-driving cars.

Furthermore, a significant number of Indians believe that AI will reach a level of intelligence on par with humans, and that technological progress will play a crucial role in combating climate change. The survey also revealed that Indians are in favor of mandatory labelling of AI content, aligning with global sentiments on the matter.

Overall, the survey underscores the growing interest and confidence in artificial intelligence among Indians, positioning AI as a key technology for the future across various sectors and applications.

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