Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Predictions by the inventor of the World Wide Web: AI, data privacy, and breaking up a Big Tech company


Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, recently made three bold predictions on the future of technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), data privacy, and the potential breakup of a major tech company.

One of Berners-Lee’s predictions involves the role of AI assistants in our lives. He envisions a future where AI assistants will work for humans, similar to doctors, lawyers, and bankers. Despite concerns about the power of AI, Berners-Lee believes that individuals will have AI assistants they can trust to work on their behalf.

Another prediction by Berners-Lee focuses on data ownership. He foresees a future where users will have true ownership of their data across all platforms, including virtual reality, through a digital pod. This technology, being developed by Berners-Lee’s startup Inrupt, will allow individuals to access their data seamlessly across various devices.

The most impactful prediction by Berners-Lee is the potential breakup of a major tech company. With the European Union’s Digital Markets Act coming into force, there are now regulations in place to promote healthier tech competition. If a tech firm fails to comply with these regulations, they could face fines and even be forced to break up.

As technology continues to evolve rapidly, Berners-Lee believes that monopolies in AI could lead to the breakup of big tech companies in the future. While it remains uncertain which company may face this fate, the inventor of the World Wide Web is confident that changes are on the horizon in the tech industry.

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