Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New data security solutions from Nightfall AI cater to modern enterprises


Nightfall AI, a cloud data protection startup, has announced new capabilities for its generative artificial intelligence data loss prevention platform. These new features aim to address the growing rate of data breaches by extending the service to cover software-as-a-service security posture management, data encryption, data exfiltration prevention, and sensitive data protection.

Legacy data security solutions are struggling to keep up with the modern enterprise, where data is shared across numerous distributed SaaS applications daily. Nightfall AI offers a DLP solution that leverages generative AI to prevent data leaks without disrupting modern workflows.

The new capabilities provide insight into SaaS security posture and offer automated response capabilities to address security issues as they arise. This continuous visibility into key areas such as sharing and permissions settings changes allows for swift adjustments to maintain a secure SaaS environment. In-app engagement with end-users helps build a human firewall, reducing the likelihood of human error and enhancing overall security awareness.

Nightfall now offers client-side, content-aware encryption for popular SaaS apps like Gmail, Google Drive, Microsoft Exchange, Salesforce, and Zendesk. This encryption can be deployed through a browser plugin, allowing employees to send emails with comprehensive protection controls and security teams to configure robust administrative policies to ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and FERPA.

Data exfiltration prevention is also enhanced with the release, offering a risk-based adaptive approach to discover, monitor, and protect sensitive data continuously from being uploaded, downloaded, or shared in email or removable media on SaaS apps and endpoints.

The updates deliver proactive SaaS and email monitoring and AI-powered data protection for personally identifiable information, protected health information, secrets, and credentials to ensure compliance with industry frameworks. Security teams can monitor and control various aspects of data exposure and sharing within their environment, with actionable insights to help remediate sensitive data without leaving the console.

Nightfall provides several options for inline action for email DLP, including scanning and attachment removal for Gmail and Microsoft Exchange. The platform also automatically redacts sensitive data in AI prompts and trains users with custom alerts to learn best practices for data sharing.

Isaac Madan, co-founder and CEO of Nightfall AI, stated, “Nightfall’s industry-first GenAI detectors make the platform a smarter, more scalable way to protect sensitive data in the enterprise. With these new capabilities, companies can secure their data across every data plane, in real time.”

Nightfall AI is a venture capital-backed startup, having last raised $40 million in a Series B round in August 2022. Investors in the company include Bain Capital Ventures Partners LLC, Venrock Associates L.P., Pear Venture Partners LLC, and individual investors like actor Paul Rudd.

The advancements in Nightfall AI’s platform showcase their commitment to providing cutting-edge data protection solutions for modern enterprises facing the challenges of data security in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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