Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Seeq Introduces New Generative AI Features with Seeq AI Assistant on Process and Control Today


Seeq Corporation Unveils New AI Assistant to Accelerate Operational Excellence in Industrial Enterprises

Seeq, a leading provider of industrial analytics and AI solutions, has announced the launch of the Seeq AI Assistant, a generative AI (GenAI) resource integrated into its industrial analytics platform. This new AI capability is designed to provide real-time support to users across the enterprise, enabling them to enhance their mastery of the Seeq platform, develop advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI skills, and expedite insights to improve decision-making processes in pursuit of operational excellence and sustainability.

According to a recent study by Deloitte, 93% of industrial companies believe that AI will play a crucial role in driving growth and innovation in the industrial sector. However, the lack of skilled personnel, siloed capabilities within organizations, and underutilized time series data continue to hinder the analytical insights needed to enhance operational excellence.

Seeq, with over a decade of experience working with major players in industries such as oil & gas, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, aims to address these challenges with the introduction of the Seeq AI Assistant. By leveraging GenAI technology, which can generate new content in response to user prompts, Seeq is empowering organizations to optimize their workforce and streamline decision-making processes.

The Seeq AI Assistant is capable of providing accurate and actionable suggestions for analytical approaches, techniques, and code generation, thereby enabling frontline experts in process engineering, data science, and operations to bridge knowledge gaps and unlock new workflows and results that were previously unattainable.

Dustin Johnson, Chief Technology Officer at Seeq, highlighted the potential impact of integrating GenAI with advanced industrial analytics, stating that it can unlock new levels of efficiency, accuracy, and innovation that drive measurable business impact. By democratizing AI and machine learning, organizations can stay ahead in a competitive landscape and achieve favorable outcomes in operational excellence, profitability, workforce upskilling, and sustainability.

The Seeq AI Assistant is now available worldwide through a global partner network of system integrators, offering training, services, and resale support in over 40 countries. To learn more about Seeq and its AI capabilities, visit www.seeq.com.

In conclusion, the introduction of the Seeq AI Assistant represents a significant step towards empowering industrial enterprises to harness the power of AI and drive operational excellence in a rapidly evolving market landscape.

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