Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Generative AI in Government Begins with Building Trust – MeriTalk


Overall, the recent Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI EO) from the White House is a significant step towards establishing standards that protect consumers and workers while encouraging further AI innovation. Federal technology leaders are working to balance the desire for innovation with generative AI tools against the need to maintain public and employee trust.

In a recent interview with MeriTalk, Tifani O’Brien, vice president and AI/machine learning accelerator lead at Leidos, discussed how agencies can overcome barriers and build trust in AI to reap the benefits the technology can deliver. O’Brien highlighted the impact of public perception on generative AI innovation and adoption across government, emphasizing the importance of addressing concerns around safety, security, transparency, and trustworthiness.

Generative AI has immense capabilities to make human workflows more efficient in government operations. O’Brien outlined potential real-world use cases for generative AI in government, such as creating materials for training, generating test data and digital twins, facilitating modernization initiatives, and enabling better human-machine teaming.

O’Brien also provided advice for agencies as they build generative AI technology into their mission requirements, emphasizing the importance of addressing risks up front and starting with a phased approach to automation. She highlighted the need for agencies to develop a comprehensive AI governance policy, educate their workforce on the technology, and work with trusted partners like Leidos to ensure secure and trusted deployments.

Leidos recently launched its Trusted GenAI campaign to demonstrate secure, trusted deployments of generative AI use cases to government and commercial organizations. The campaign aims to help agencies overcome barriers and realize the full potential of generative AI by offering transparency, robust testing, security measures, and technical and policy guardrails.

Overall, as agencies navigate the adoption of generative AI technology, it is crucial for them to prioritize building trust, addressing risks, and working with experienced partners to ensure successful and secure deployments that deliver value to both the organization and the public.

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