Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stopping Technology-Driven AI is Imperative


Experts from around the world are advocating for the development of human-centered AI, emphasizing the importance of designing technology that supports and enriches human life rather than forcing humans to adapt to it. In a new book featuring fifty experts from over twelve countries and disciplines, practical ways to implement human-centered AI are explored, addressing risks and proposing solutions across various contexts.

Human-centered AI, as defined by Shannon Vallor from the University of Edinburgh, is technology that helps humans to flourish. It is about aligning the entire technology ecosystem with the health and well-being of the human person, rather than designing technology that competes with or devalues humans. The contrast is with technology that is created merely for the sake of innovation, without considering the actual needs of humans.

The book, titled “Human-Centered AI – A Multidisciplinary Perspective for Policy-Makers, Auditors, and Users,” delves into the societal and behavioral impacts of AI in its current form. Contributors highlight concerns such as systemic biases in AI development, challenges to privacy, and the influence of AI on human behavior.

To address these issues, experts propose solutions such as diversity in research, interdisciplinary collaborations, and greater transparency in the operation of AI systems. They also emphasize the need for policymakers to have confidence in regulating AI, acknowledging that it is okay to stifle innovation if it is irresponsible.

Overall, the call for human-centered AI is a call for technology that is designed with the well-being of humans in mind, rather than technology that humans must adapt to. By implementing practical measures and aligning AI with human needs, we can create a future where technology truly enhances and supports human life.

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