Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Polling Shows Public’s Growing Disapproval of AI


In the age of artificial intelligence, trust is becoming the most valuable currency. A recent poll conducted by consultancy firm Edelman reveals that public trust in AI is on the decline, with global trust dropping from 61 percent in 2019 to just 53 percent. In the US, where job insecurity is a growing concern, only 35 percent of people trust AI, down from 50 percent five years ago.

The release of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November 2022 marked the beginning of the so-called “AI revolution,” bringing AI from the realm of science fiction to everyday reality. With this increased exposure to AI, people are starting to question its impact and trustworthiness.

According to the Edelman poll, people believe by a two-to-one margin that AI innovation has been “badly managed.” While 76 percent of people trust the tech industry in general, only half trust AI specifically. This discrepancy highlights the need for more responsible and transparent AI development.

The research community has an opportunity to step up as authorities on AI safety, as people look towards scientists for guidance on the subject. By prioritizing responsible AI practices, partnering with communities and governments, and putting control back into the hands of users, the tech industry can rebuild the trust that has been lost along the way.

As tech giants like Microsoft and Meta continue to invest heavily in AI, it is crucial for companies to address the concerns of the public and demonstrate their commitment to ethical AI development. Trust may be eroding in the AI era, but with the right approach, it can be rebuilt for a more sustainable and trustworthy future.

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