Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Advancing Women in Technology: Innovations in AI and Cybersecurity


The intersection of AI, cybersecurity, and the empowerment of women in tech is not just about addressing current threats, but also shaping the future of the industry. Nicole Carignan, vice president of strategic cyber AI at Darktrace Holdings Ltd, shared her insights on this topic during an exclusive interview at the Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference.

Carignan highlighted the impact of generative AI technologies on the cybersecurity threat landscape, emphasizing the need for innovative and proactive approaches to combat evolving threats. She discussed the rise in AI-facilitated attacks, including a 135% increase in novel social engineering attacks last year, and the importance of leveraging AI to stay ahead of adversaries.

Beyond the technical aspects, Carignan’s presence at WiDS serves as a powerful example of the role women play in shaping the future of technology. She emphasized the unique perspectives and collaborative spirit that women bring to the table, urging for more diversity in the tech industry.

Carignan’s journey from a high schooler fascinated by logic and patterns to a leading figure in cybersecurity is inspiring, showcasing the diverse trajectories through which women can impact the tech ecosystem. She encouraged those in positions of power to strive for diversity in hiring decisions, as it leads to better solutions and a more inclusive work environment.

The complete video interview with Carignan is available for viewing, part of SiliconANGLE’s and theCUBE Research’s coverage of the Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference. Your support in keeping this content free is appreciated, so join our community on YouTube to stay updated on the latest tech news and insights from industry experts.

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