Tuesday, July 2, 2024

LinkedIn finds that less than half of European businesses are supporting their employees in learning AI


The future of work is rapidly evolving, with a new report indicating that the skills needed for jobs are set to change by 51% by 2030. The rise of Generative AI is further accelerating this change, with a projected 68% shift in required skills by the end of the decade compared to 2016.

Despite this impending shift, many businesses across Europe are lagging behind in preparing their workforce for the AI revolution. According to a recent report by LinkedIn, less than half of companies in the UK, and just over a third in the Netherlands and France, are actively helping employees learn how to use this new technology.

Janine Chamberlin, Vice President and UK Country Manager at LinkedIn, emphasized the importance of businesses prioritizing skills development to adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape. She noted that forward-looking organizations that invest in upskilling their employees will have a competitive edge in the market.

Recruitment managers in Europe are also predicting widening skills gaps over the next five years, as technology continues to automate many roles. However, professionals are eager to boost their AI knowledge, with 83% expressing excitement about using AI in their work and 74% believing it will enhance their career progression.

In addition to staying competitive, skills development is crucial for internal mobility and talent retention. LinkedIn’s research found that organizations are concerned about employee turnover, with barriers such as managers hoarding talent, a lack of learning and development opportunities, and ineffective processes for managing internal mobility.

To address these challenges, LinkedIn has introduced 250 AI learning courses and new internal mobility features like the ‘Next Role Explorer’ to help businesses navigate the changing landscape and empower their workforce for success. As the workforce continues to evolve, investing in skills development will be key for businesses to thrive in the era of Generative AI.

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