Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Exploring the Applications of AI in the Church: A New Study


As the debate over the uses and potential misuses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to heat up, a new study conducted by the Barna Group and Gloo sheds light on how the Church is grappling with this new technology. The study, titled “AI and the Church,” surveyed 278 US Protestant pastors to gauge their opinions on AI’s role within faith settings.

According to the study, a majority of pastors (77 percent) believe that God can use AI, with many expressing support for utilizing AI in tasks such as graphic design, church marketing, and monitoring attendance. However, pastors were more hesitant when it came to using AI for more personal tasks like communication, sermon research, and counseling congregants.

Despite the potential benefits of AI, pastors were also wary of its impact on human relations, with 56 percent believing the impact would be negative. This sentiment was echoed by a majority of US adults, who were less likely to see AI’s impact as positive.

Gloo Chief Solutions Officer Brad Hill believes that churches should be more proactive in exploring the uses of AI, noting that the technology has already enabled Gloo to connect individuals to churches more efficiently. The company is investing $25 million to assist churches in implementing AI, emphasizing the importance of having conversations about this new technology.

While AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in society, the study found that many church leaders have limited experience with the technology. This lack of familiarity raises concerns about the potential risks associated with AI, as highlighted by David Curry, CEO of Global Christian Relief, who cautioned against embracing the technology too quickly.

As the Church grapples with the implications of AI, it is clear that this technology has the potential to transform the way faith communities operate. Whether AI will be a force for good or a cause for concern remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the conversation around AI and the Church is far from over.

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