Sunday, June 30, 2024

Leading the way in AI talent and ethical development in Malaysia


Malaysia Leading the Way in Cultivating AI Talent and Promoting Responsible Development

As with most new technological innovations, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) can be a double-edged sword. While industry giants continue to push the boundaries of what AI can do, others caution against moving too quickly without proper oversight, as development must be balanced with ethical considerations to ensure the technology benefits society without causing unintended harm.

Cultivating the Malaysian AI talent pool

With AI development moving at a blistering speed, it is increasingly important for Malaysia to nurture a deep and diverse talent pool to capitalise on this growth or risk being left behind in the technological race. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has been at the forefront of efforts to develop local AI talent through its National AI Roadmap 2021-2025.

The roadmap aims to spearhead the development of the country’s AI ecosystem by focusing efforts on 11 national AI use cases in five priority areas: agriculture and forestry, healthcare, smart cities and transport, education and public services. MOSTI has also launched the AI Talent Roadmap 2024-2033 in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education to support Malaysia’s overarching AI strategy.

In collaboration with Nvidia Corp, MOSTI has launched the national AI Sandbox pilot programme to accelerate AI adoption in Malaysia by fostering AI start-ups and developing AI talents. This initiative includes upskilling and reskilling programmes focused on AI-related skills to equip the local workforce with the necessary knowledge and expertise.

Promoting and ensuring responsible AI development

Given the inevitable growth of the local AI industry, MOSTI believes it is crucial to place ethics at the forefront to ensure responsible and beneficial AI development. The National Guideline on AI Governance and Ethics for Responsible AI (AIGE) aims to mitigate potential risks associated with AI technology while promoting its benefits.

Developed collaboratively with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and other stakeholders, the AIGE guidelines adhere to seven responsible AI principles to ensure transparency, privacy, security, and trustworthiness in AI applications. MOSTI believes a soft approach is the best way to encourage innovation in ethical AI practices in Malaysia.

Establishing and ensuring responsible AI practices will establish Malaysia as a leader in ethical and trustworthy AI development, attracting foreign investors, boosting public confidence, and contributing to the country’s economic growth. The AIGE guidelines are designed to be general and adaptable, serving as a reference for developing specific AI governance and ethics frameworks tailored to various industries.

Looking ahead, MOSTI emphasises the importance of developing a sustainable AI ecosystem through collaboration across various sectors, including industry, government, and quadruple helix players. This collaborative approach ensures a holistic development of the AI ecosystem, leveraging diverse expertise and resources to drive innovation and growth.

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