Tuesday, July 2, 2024

It is time for AI ethics to take center stage and move from the sidelines


**Viva Tech 2024: Europe’s Largest Tech Exhibition Opens with Focus on Artificial Intelligence**

This week marks the opening of Viva Tech 2024, Europe’s largest tech exhibition, with the central theme of artificial intelligence taking center stage. While the benefits of AI are highlighted, there is a lack of focus on its regulatory and moral aspects, as well as potential dangers such as mass unemployment.

**FDA for Artificial Intelligence: A Call for Tighter Regulation**

CEO Michal Kissos Hertzog emphasizes the need for AI to be regulated similarly to medicines, with a mechanism akin to the FDA to monitor its progress. The current lack of stringent regulation raises concerns about the impact of AI on society, morality, and the economy.

**Urgent Need for Regulatory Oversight**

As AI technology advances rapidly, the regulatory framework struggles to keep pace. The exhibition’s agenda reflects the insufficient discussion on the need for regulatory oversight, despite recent efforts by companies like Open AI to establish guidelines.

**Israel’s Opportunity in Artificial Intelligence**

Despite claims of lagging behind in AI, Israel has seen the emergence of numerous AI companies and investments in the field. Hertzog suggests that Israel should focus its efforts on AI to stay competitive globally and make a significant impact on humanity.

**Looking Ahead at Viva Tech**

As Viva Tech approaches, the conversation around AI regulation and its implications for society continues to evolve. Hertzog promises to provide updates on any new developments from the exhibition.

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