Sunday, July 7, 2024

Implementing Ethical AI in Health Systems: Best Practices


Healthcare providers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to improve patient care and outcomes. However, with the potential benefits of AI come significant risks, particularly when it comes to algorithmic bias and murky modeling techniques.

At the upcoming HIMSS24 AI in Healthcare Forum on March 11, a panel discussion titled “The Quest for Responsible AI” will address these challenges head-on. Moderated by HIMSS Director of Clinical Research Anne Snowdon, the panel will feature two leading experts in the field: Michael J. Pencina, chief data scientist at Duke, and Brian Anderson, the former chief digital health physician at MITRE and newly appointed CEO of the Coalition for Health AI.

In a recent interview, Anderson highlighted the importance of transparency, accountability, and data privacy in AI applications in healthcare. He emphasized the need for healthcare organizations to prioritize these principles as they integrate AI into their care delivery processes.

One of the key challenges, according to Anderson, is ensuring that AI models are free from bias and built on diverse and representative datasets. This requires a coordinated effort across the digital health ecosystem to partner with underrepresented communities and create inclusive training datasets.

Anderson also stressed the importance of upskilling healthcare providers to understand and critically evaluate AI models in clinical settings. Building transparency and accountability from the ground up, he explained, involves training providers to assess the appropriateness of AI tools for individual patients and to monitor model performance over time.

Looking ahead, Anderson highlighted the need for scalable solutions to support health systems in monitoring and governing AI models effectively. He acknowledged the resource constraints faced by many healthcare organizations and emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships in developing tools and frameworks for responsible AI implementation.

The upcoming HIMSS24 session on responsible AI promises to delve deeper into these critical issues and provide valuable insights for healthcare providers looking to navigate the ethical considerations of AI in healthcare. Attendees can expect a robust discussion on measuring performance, addressing bias, and fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors to advance responsible AI practices in healthcare.

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