Thursday, July 4, 2024

Establishing an AI Governance Function: Part 2 | Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)


**Developing an Effective AI Governance Function: A Step-by-Step Guide**

In the fast-paced world of technology, the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) comes with its own set of risks and restrictions for organizations. In Part 1 of this series, we explored the key elements of an AI strategy and the challenges organizations face in implementing AI. Now, in Part 2, we delve into the crucial steps involved in developing an AI governance function to ensure compliance, transparency, and ethical use of AI.

**Stakeholder Engagement and Assessment**

One of the initial steps in creating an AI governance function is to engage a diverse group of stakeholders early in the process. By assessing the needs and requirements of various stakeholders, organizations can ensure a smoother and more efficient program development process.

**Assessment and Roadmap**

Developing a comprehensive AI governance roadmap is essential to align compliance and risk requirements with the organization’s goals. By engaging key stakeholders in this process, organizations can map out the necessary steps to achieve their desired level of maturity in AI governance.

**Impact Assessment**

Certain jurisdictions may require organizations to conduct an impact assessment focusing on the effects of AI on individuals and organizations. This assessment should be integrated into the overall governance framework to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

**Steering Committee**

Establishing a cross-functional steering committee early in the process is crucial for effective AI governance. This committee should include representatives from compliance, risk, legal, privacy, information governance, data governance, IT, and business functions to ensure comprehensive coverage of risks and requirements.

**Roles and Responsibilities**

Defining roles and responsibilities within the AI governance function is essential for ensuring ongoing compliance and transparency. By involving various stakeholders from the outset, organizations can integrate governance into AI applications seamlessly.

**AI Governance Policies**

Developing and updating governance policies is the next step in creating an effective AI governance function. These policies outline the organization’s compliant, transparent, and ethical use of AI, setting the standard for responsible AI implementation.

**Data Retention/Records Retention Policy and Schedule**

Updating data retention policies is crucial to ensure that old, legacy data does not compromise the integrity of AI systems. Good data hygiene practices, enforced through up-to-date retention policies, can mitigate risks associated with sensitive or incorrect information.

**Data Security Classification Policies**

Organizations must update data security classification policies to ensure appropriate controls are in place for sensitive information. Aligning these policies with AI governance guidelines is essential for maintaining data security and compliance.

**Privacy Policies**

Privacy policies should be synchronized with AI governance policies to address regulatory restrictions on the use of personal information. By aligning privacy practices with AI governance, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to ethical AI use.

**AI Governance Process Development**

Developing governance processes is essential for ensuring compliance and transparency in AI implementation. These processes should be integrated into both initial system development and ongoing use to maintain regulatory compliance.

**Regulatory Review Process**

Monitoring regulatory changes and updating policies accordingly is essential for ensuring compliance with evolving requirements. By staying ahead of regulatory changes, organizations can make informed design decisions and maintain compliance with AI governance standards.

**Data Provenance Process**

Establishing the provenance of input data used in AI systems is crucial for ensuring compliance and mitigating risks. Organizations must undertake due diligence to verify the legality of training data and periodically assess data provenance to maintain compliance.

**Privacy and Sensitive Information Review Process**

Developing a process to prevent the inclusion of personal or sensitive information in AI systems is essential for maintaining compliance and protecting data privacy. By implementing robust review processes, organizations can prevent noncompliance and data breaches.

**Ethical Use Review Process**

Ensuring that AI systems produce ethical results is essential for maintaining trust and transparency. By testing AI outputs for ethical considerations, organizations can align AI practices with their values and ethical standards.

**AI Accuracy, Correctness, and Safety Review Process**

Testing AI systems for accuracy, correctness, and safety is crucial for ensuring reliable and secure AI implementation. By conducting regular reviews and testing, organizations can mitigate risks associated with inaccurate or unsafe AI outputs.

**Addressing AI Hallucinations**

AI hallucinations, or inaccurate outputs generated by AI systems, pose a significant risk to organizations. By implementing rigorous governance processes, conducting thorough testing, and addressing biases in training data, organizations can minimize the risk of AI hallucinations.

**AI Governance Process Execution and Ongoing Audit**

Executing governance processes and conducting ongoing audits are essential for maintaining compliance and transparency in AI implementation. By applying governance processes consistently and addressing issues promptly, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to responsible AI use.

**Creating a Compliant and Defensible Program**

Building a comprehensive AI governance function is key to ensuring compliance and defensibility in AI implementation. By developing robust policies and processes, organizations can navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding AI with confidence.

**Final Thoughts**

AI governance presents a unique challenge for organizations in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. By embracing the leadership opportunity to develop effective AI governance functions, compliance professionals can drive positive change and ensure responsible AI use. Despite the uncertainties in AI regulation, organizations can proactively build out their governance frameworks to demonstrate compliance and ethical AI practices.

In conclusion, the development of an AI governance function is a critical step for organizations looking to leverage AI technology responsibly. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing robust governance processes, organizations can navigate the complexities of AI implementation with confidence and integrity.

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