Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby supports Rome’s Call for Ethics in AI


The Archbishop of Canterbury Endorses “Rome Call” for Ethical Development of Artificial Intelligence

Archbishop Welby Joins Leaders in Supporting AI Ethics

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has joined other illustrious leaders, ethicists, and university professors in signing the “Rome Call” for the ethical development of artificial intelligence. Archbishop Welby, leader of the Anglican Communion, endorsed the initiative on 30 April at a ceremony in Rome at the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy for Life, according to a note from the Academy and its RenAIssance Foundation.

Emphasizing Human Dignity Amid Technological Change

“I am delighted to support the Rome AI Call, which emphasizes the dignity of every human being amid technological change,” Archbishop Welby said when signing the document on behalf of the Church of England.

While recognizing the enormous potential AI can offer in improving human capability, Archbishop Welby emphasized the need to protect, preserve, and cherish the dignity of the human person. He stressed that the advances made in AI should benefit all in serving the common good, safeguarding the climate, and aiming at sustainable development.

Archbishop Welby concluded by stating, “So much of how we understand Artificial Intelligence comes down to how we understand the nature of being human,” and emphasized the importance of working together to ensure that the dignity of every human being, created by God, is central to all we do.

Pope Francis to Participate in G7 Session on AI

Pope Francis will take part in the upcoming G7 session on Artificial Intelligence under Italy’s presidency of the group.

Promoting Peace and the Common Good

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and Fr. Paolo Benanti expressed their satisfaction with the inclusion of the Anglican Church in the Rome Call, highlighting the importance of collaboration in addressing contemporary challenges and promoting human development.

The Rome Call for AI Ethics

The Rome Call for AI Ethics, conceived and promoted by the Pontifical Academy for Life and the RenAIssance Foundation, aims to foster a sense of shared responsibility for human dignity amid rapid technological advancements. Signatories commit to following principles such as transparency, inclusion, accountability, and reliability in the development of AI.

RenAIssance Foundation

The RenAIssance Foundation, established by Pope Francis, supports anthropological and ethical reflection on new technologies. By promoting the Rome Call for AI Ethics, the foundation collaborates with international organizations, universities, and companies to ensure that technological progress respects the dignity of every individual and our common home.

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