Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Intersection of AI in Education and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Focus on the Graduate School of Business


Two faculty members from Touro University Graduate School of Business, Professor Charles Priolo and Dr. Gavin Goldstein, recently had the opportunity to share their expertise at the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) 2024 Conference in Puerto Rico.

Dr. Goldstein, an expert in corporate social responsibility (CSR), addressed the lack of a specific definition for CSR within academia in his presentation titled “The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility to Business Education.” He highlighted the challenges faced in studying and teaching CSR, emphasizing the need for a clear understanding of the concept to move the field forward.

On the other hand, Professor Priolo discussed the impact of AI in education with his presentation on “A.I. Presentation Training Software’s Impact Upon Students.” He shared his experiences using the PitchVantage software to enhance students’ public speaking skills, noting a significant improvement in the experimental group that used the software alongside traditional in-class presentations.

Both presentations drew a large audience, providing a platform for fruitful discussions and knowledge sharing among experts in the field. Dr. Goldstein expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to collaborate and refine the definition of CSR, while Professor Priolo highlighted the importance of staying informed about industry trends and showcasing the capabilities of the university’s faculty.

Overall, the ACBSP conference proved to be a valuable experience for the Touro University Graduate School of Business faculty members, allowing them to engage with peers, exchange ideas, and contribute to the advancement of business education.

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