Sunday, July 7, 2024

Professor Sandra Wachter, an expert in data ethics at the University of Oxford


TechCrunch Launches Series Highlighting Women in AI: Meet Sandra Wachter

To give AI-focused women academics and others their well-deserved — and overdue — time in the spotlight, TechCrunch is launching a series of interviews focusing on remarkable women who’ve contributed to the AI revolution. One of the standout women in this field is Sandra Wachter, a professor and senior researcher in data ethics, AI, robotics, algorithms, and regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute.

Wachter, a former fellow of The Alan Turing Institute, the U.K.’s national institute for data science and AI, has made significant contributions to the ethical and legal aspects of data science. Her work has shed light on cases where opaque algorithms have led to racist and sexist outcomes, as well as ways to audit AI to tackle disinformation and promote fairness.

In a recent Q&A, Wachter shared insights into her journey in AI, her proudest work in the field, and how she navigates the challenges of the male-dominated tech industry. She emphasized the importance of finding allies and like-minded individuals to support each other in the pursuit of innovation and ethical AI development.

Wachter also highlighted pressing issues facing AI as it evolves, including biased data, opaque decision-making processes, and the need for responsible AI development. She stressed the importance of having laws in place to demand responsible AI and urged investors to push for ethical innovation, emphasizing that ethical AI can also be profitable.

As the AI boom continues, it is crucial to recognize and amplify the voices of women like Sandra Wachter who are driving positive change in the field. Stay tuned for more profiles in the TechCrunch series, showcasing the diverse and impactful contributions of women in AI.

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