Sunday, July 7, 2024

Expert warns of ethical concerns as AI reshapes diplomacy


In the bustling city of Ankara, the intersection of technology and diplomacy is taking center stage with the insights of leading expert Alperen Karaköse.

Karaköse, a renowned figure in the field of technology and international relations, recently shared his thoughts on the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in diplomacy at a high-profile event in the capital city.

With a keen understanding of the potential and challenges that AI brings to the diplomatic arena, Karaköse emphasized the need for ethical considerations and risk mitigation strategies to harness the full benefits of this cutting-edge technology.

As the founder of a tech consultancy firm specializing in AI applications for diplomacy, Karaköse highlighted the ways in which AI can revolutionize governance, education, healthcare, and the economy. From streamlining consular tasks to facilitating multiparty negotiations, AI has the potential to reshape the way diplomatic affairs are conducted.

However, Karaköse also underscored the importance of addressing the ethical implications of AI, particularly in the realm of security and misinformation. With the development of AI-powered weapons systems and the proliferation of fake news generated by AI algorithms, ensuring transparency, explainability, and data privacy is crucial to safeguarding sensitive diplomatic information.

In line with his commitment to promoting ethical AI governance, Karaköse called for a collaborative approach among foreign ministries to establish clear guidelines for the responsible use of AI in diplomacy. By fostering a well-equipped workforce with a deep understanding of both policymaking and technology, diplomatic institutions can navigate the complex landscape of AI with confidence and integrity.

As Ankara continues to embrace the opportunities presented by the technological revolution, experts like Alperen Karaköse are paving the way for a future where AI and diplomacy work hand in hand to address global challenges and foster meaningful dialogue on the world stage.

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