Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sandra Watcher, data ethics professor at Oxford University


TechCrunch Launches Series Highlighting Women in AI: Meet Sandra Wachter

TechCrunch is shining a spotlight on remarkable women in the AI field with a new series of interviews, starting with Sandra Wachter, a professor and senior researcher in data ethics, AI, robotics, algorithms, and regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute.

Wachter, a former fellow of The Alan Turing Institute, has been at the forefront of evaluating the ethical and legal aspects of data science. Her work has focused on highlighting cases where opaque algorithms have led to racist and sexist outcomes, as well as finding ways to audit AI to combat disinformation and promote fairness.

In a recent Q&A, Wachter shared her journey into AI, emphasizing her passion for using technology to improve lives while protecting human rights. She discussed her latest work on bias and fairness in machine learning, revealing the harmful impact of certain fairness measures in practice.

When asked about navigating the male-dominated tech industry, Wachter highlighted the importance of finding allies and mentors, emphasizing the need for a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

For women looking to enter the AI field, Wachter advised seeking out allies and collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds to solve common challenges. She also addressed pressing issues facing AI, including biased data, opaque algorithms, and the need for responsible regulation.

Wachter stressed the importance of responsible AI development, noting that laws demanding ethical innovation can actually foster progress rather than stifle it. She also encouraged investors to push for responsible AI, highlighting the potential for profitability in ethical practices.

As the AI revolution continues to shape our world, voices like Sandra Wachter’s are essential in driving meaningful change and ensuring that technology benefits all members of society. Stay tuned for more profiles in TechCrunch’s series on women in AI.

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