Sunday, July 7, 2024

Professor Sandra Watcher, Expert in Data Ethics at Oxford University


TechCrunch Launches Series Highlighting Women in AI: Meet Sandra Wachter

In an effort to shine a spotlight on the incredible contributions of women in the AI field, TechCrunch is launching a series of interviews with remarkable individuals who have played a key role in the AI revolution. One such woman is Sandra Wachter, a professor and senior researcher in data ethics, AI, robotics, algorithms, and regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute.

During her time at The Alan Turing Institute, the U.K.’s national institute for data science and AI, Wachter focused on evaluating the ethical and legal aspects of data science. She brought attention to cases where opaque algorithms have led to racist and sexist outcomes, and explored ways to audit AI systems to combat disinformation and promote fairness.

One of Wachter’s most notable works is a co-authored piece on bias and fairness in machine learning, titled “The Unfairness of Fair Machine Learning.” This research revealed the harmful impact of enforcing certain “group fairness” measures, which often result in making everyone worse off rather than helping disadvantaged groups. Wachter and her colleagues have shared their findings with U.K. and EU regulators in the hopes of influencing policy changes to prevent AI from causing serious harm.

When asked about navigating the challenges of the male-dominated tech industry, Wachter emphasized the importance of finding allies and like-minded individuals to support each other. She encouraged women entering the AI field to seek out diverse perspectives and collaborate with individuals from different backgrounds to drive innovation.

Looking ahead, Wachter highlighted the pressing issues facing AI, including biased data, opaque decision-making processes, and the potential for generative AI to contribute to misinformation and other ethical concerns. She stressed the importance of responsible AI development, emphasizing the need for laws and regulations that demand ethical and unbiased AI systems.

In closing, Wachter urged investors to push for responsible AI practices, noting that ethical AI can not only benefit society but also lead to more profitable outcomes. She emphasized that ethical considerations should be seen as an investment rather than a hindrance, as they ultimately lead to better products and outcomes for all.

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