Sunday, July 7, 2024

Innovative High School Student Creates A.I.-Powered Trap to Eliminate Invasive Lanternflies


Selina Zhang, an 18-year-old from New Jersey, has developed a groundbreaking solution to combat the invasive spotted lanternfly that has been wreaking havoc on the state’s agricultural industry. Inspired by her personal encounters with the pest and armed with a deep understanding of its behavior, Zhang created ArTreeficial, a solar-powered, self-cleaning, artificial-intelligence-driven “tree” that lures in and eliminates the spotted lanternfly using an electronic mesh.

The spotted lanternfly, native to China, first appeared in the United States in 2012 and has since spread to 17 states, causing damage to over 70 plant species. Traditional management methods like insecticides and sticky bands have harmful side effects on the environment, prompting Zhang to develop a more eco-friendly solution.

ArTreeficial mimics the tree of heaven, a preferred host plant of the spotted lanternfly, to attract the pests. The tree emits an incense made from the essence of tree of heaven to entice the insects, and an electric net equipped with artificial intelligence delivers a shock to eliminate them. Zhang’s innovative approach combines elements of chess boards and “Dance Dance Revolution” to create a sophisticated trap that specifically targets the spotted lanternfly.

Zhang’s project has garnered recognition as a finalist in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, showcasing the interdisciplinary nature of her work in environmental science, artificial intelligence, and engineering. Experts in the field have praised Zhang’s innovative approach and see potential for her technology to be applied in various environments beyond combating the spotted lanternfly.

With plans to further refine her invention and potentially extend it to other invasive species, Zhang aims to make ArTreeficial a general paradigm for pest control technologies. By integrating artificial intelligence into biological research, Zhang hopes to demonstrate the importance of using technology to protect and preserve our natural resources for future generations.

As Zhang prepares for college, she envisions a future where artificial resources play a crucial role in safeguarding our environment and agriculture. Through her creative endeavors, including turning the spotted lanternfly into a comic book character to raise awareness, Zhang exemplifies the power of innovation and determination in addressing pressing environmental challenges.

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